
It all begins with an idea and a good heart.

When Ryzen was 3 years old, he went with his parents to visit Santa at a mall in Portland, Oregon. Something pretty amazing happened…

Ryzen went to meet Santa and had his photo taken. After a short conversation with Ryzen, Santa stopped the photo session, left his post and went to tell Ryzen’s parents what he had said.

Santa said he asked if Ryzen had been a good boy that year, and what he wanted for Christmas. Ryzen’s answer to Santa was:

“I don’t need toys this year, Santa. Please give my toys to kids who really need them.

But if you have an extra train set, I’ll take it.”

Santa was impressed. He said that Ryzen was a special young boy who is going to do great things. Everyone who heard that conversation clapped, and his parents couldn’t have been more proud.

Since then, Ryzen has become interested in technology - especially how smartphones and the Internet work. When COVID hit us in 2020, his school switched to virtual learning after his second grade Spring Break. He asked if all students had computers and Internet at home, and was saddened when he learned that some did not. In the months that followed, he said that he wanted to help make things easier for students without technology at home, and started Ryzen Up!

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